Memento Mori

a focus on what really matters & choose time and energy wisely

Memento Mori

At a very old age, Martine passed away peacefully surrounded by her beloved Husband, her family, and closest friends whom she calls her extended family.

#YoDoYLe ~ You Only Die Once, You Live Everyday

carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

Not fitting in

Martine lived a full life, filled with a lot of Love, Art, Joy and Fun.
She lived her life on her own terms, and did not follow a script. She didn’t do what most would in her environment did, no, Martine was different

From a very young age, she felt deeply what it was to be Human – most of the time she felt like she didn’t belong in her time

An old Soul, as she described herself once in an interview, who was put on this Planet as a mission to change the world as she saw itFull of Magic, Wonder, Uplifting energies, Positivity, Nurturing, Caring, Love and Belonging.

a movement, thinking boundary free

For this reason Martine created a Movement, a School of Life, a Way of Being – a ‘bau.Haus with a Heart & Soul’ that would deal with world’s pressing issues: eg. Community, Poverty, Housing, Education, Health, Soulful Spirituality, Ecology, Self-Sustainable, Sustainability, Climate Change, Pandemic and viruses, Environment, non Human existence on Earth, Energy, Essence and Meaning of Life, Oneness, … ∞

Her Truth Seeking & Soul Searching period during her Saturn Return has set the foundations to this Movement.

She is Leaving a Legacy behind, one that we will work further in decennia’s and centuries to come. She has put the standards higher up and had an impact on so many various disciplines and topics in her lifetime. 

Not only in Art, Design, Architecture, Fashion, … but also in neuroscience, ie. neurodiversity and on how to think Innovative and Creative boundary Free. By doing so, she connected and intertwined Fine Arts, Architecture & Science.

changing the zeitgeist mindset

The school St Lucas WENK was a Pivotal change in the way she found a balance between Left & Right, dualism, opposite energies, Arts & Science.

Martine was a True Leader, a Go-Getter, a Big Visionary with huge Ambitions and Goals in her Life. She always followed her own Heart and stayed True to herself

Martine’s enthusiasm and positivism was so infectious. She could change anyone’s energy and connect them back to their fun & playful inner-child, and lift them up to their own True Potential – the best version of themselves.

She believed in changing the world – in an impactful way – by starting small for changing the zeitgeist mindset by People’s True Self.

no lone wolf

Martine was not a Lone Wolf, no, she had an Army, a massive Tribe, and a large Peer group to help  her, support  and challenge  her. 

One that was there from the beginning of her ‘good Fortune’ was her Love, her TwinRAY, who complimented her strengths, talents and her vision, but also on a personal Level. They were inseparable ever since they met. They each Became their own True Selves – their fullest, highest & purest PotentialThey were both very loved amongst their family and friends. 

The PowerDuo were adored and cherished, personally but also work wise. They got a lot of fan-letters & gifts – even far away strangers. Globally, they marked a lot of lives. They connected people together & giving them a sense of Belonging, Meaning and Purpose on Earth.

Leaving a Legacy behind off Love & Light.

my Mission, my Ikigai: a Starseed

To BE.LONG [to Cosmos, to Myself, and my 3rd Home, to Earth] on Earth, Hic et Nunc, so that,

together, we can co-CREATE a New World, as cosmic CHILDREN of this Planet, and co-EXIST, ensemble, with non-human Life on this Mother Earth.



artist, architect and visionary

Most of her life Martine has been walking in the shadows, fairly invisible.

She never felt the need to take up space, as she didn't truly fit in into this world. That changed drastically during her Saturn Return. A deep journey of self-discovery through self-reflection and soul-searching. It resulted in a big I-AM-ness. She never felt so alive, and purposeful, by being fully landed  here on Earth.

She came across the term for this not-fitting-in: a StarSeed, with its core into Belonging of this Becoming, for her more an un.Becoming. Thus gave her this mission statement. ♡

Know Thyself  is one of Martine's core life motto.

She recently has been deep-diving into Human Design, and found auspicious synchronicities.

Martine has Profile 1/3 (Investigator/Explorer) and Incarnation Cross RAX Eden 1 (36/6 | 11/12) 'here to find (discover) a slice of heaven on Earth and offer it to the world'.

Soulful grounded Action of creators matrix: a birthing team

Martine has an ambitious masterplan vision for bau.Haus with a Heart & Soul. 🟦🔺🟡 💚
A Movement, a School of Life, a Way of Being.

Martine believes we can build and co.create together, anchoring
this new energy  on Planet Earth to transition into.

With the core themes such as: community, housing, education, health, soulful spirituality, ecology, self-sustainable, sustainability, climate change, pandemic, environment, non-human existence on Earth, energy, oneness, …

Layered with: philanthropy, inclusivity, (neuro)diversity, equality, synergy and symbiosis.

A call to all: artists, architects, creative thinkers, designers, dreamers, linguists, teachers, (neuro)scientists, (self)healers, soulpreneurs, musicians, visionaries, …

They are Multi-Potential, Multi-Cultural, Multi-Disciplinair, and Multi-Passionate with a respect for the Wisdom of the Sacred Ancients & Mother Nature.

Described in her own words: Birthplace : Earth, Race : Living Being (Human), Politics : Peace (Freedom), Religion : Love.
#PeaceLoveArt*    #coVidere    #coEnergyMatrix     ∑ ≈ µ • c˜♡
] Live – Love – Learn – Laugh – Let Go – Legacy – Light [

i am longing for more true, and genuine connections in this world with kindred spirits,

so let's connect!

Looking to work together? Or out of ideas and in need of a creative boost? Great! Let’s get in touch.
i am looking forward to mastermind, brainstorm, mindmap, ping-pong, jam, freestyle, celebrate life with you.
My aim is to leave sparkles wherever i go, by spreading love & light.