Hey! Let's work together.

Let Us start a r/evolution. A radical movement. Writing History together.

Building a new home

what if … ?

If you had 1 million euros or dollars, on what would you spend it first to make a difference in the world?

If you had a diverse group of 33 Humans, who are Multi-Potential, Multi-Passionate, Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Cultural, which project would you start first


i would love to know your answer

here’s a crazy thought … what if … ?

one brain could hold the collective & universal consciousness

and by doing so, containing all the miseries & mysteries in life, and then dissolve and solve them,

for Peace & Love on Earth.

No more wars, poverty, no one starving, or scared of losing their jobs or their lives, nor looking for a Planet B.

And solving climate change? Easy, we just need to change Planet Earth’s rotational path, away from the Sun.
Unfortunately it’s not that simple.

Yes, it helps to raise the frequency but thought is just thought.

We need Action.



Let’s work Together!

dis.connected & dis.engaged on Earth

We’re living in challenging and often painful times. As sensitive beings, what is happening around the world impacts us. i feel more since 2020, there’s been a shake-up of the whole Planet, a wake-up call.
There are significant transformations happening, which causes anxiety, seperation, polarisation, inflation, scarcity and uncertainty.

Old rigid systems become more transparant to us, as we are more in tune with a new frequency that’s vibrating in the background. Call it a new global Cycle, the Aquarian Age, the Age of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, …
These social and cultural changes leading to the rise of a new era.

i believe something new is needed to transition into.

the power of co.creation & perceiving together

#PeaceLoveArt*___#coVidere___∑ ≈ µ • c˜♡

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. —  Jack Kerouac

To the curious, The loners, The star-gazers

I love the weirdos. The rule-breakers. The strange, whimsical, outlandish, peculiar, and uncanny. The misfits. The curious, unusual, eccentric, and unpredictable. The freaks. The radical, star-gazing vagabonds. The loners. The rejects. The outsiders. The silly romanticists who ridiculously believe in changing the world someday… because they do. — Creig Crippen

my mission: vision for a bau.haus

Martine has an ambitious masterplan vision for building and co.Creating a new Home together, aka

a bau.Haus with a Heart & Soul.

A Movement, a School of life, a Way of Being. 🟦🔺🟡 💚

With the core themes such as: community, housing, education, (mental) health, soulful spirituality, ecology, self-sustainable, sustainability, climate change, pandemic, environment, non-human existence on Earth, energy, oneness, …
Layered with: philanthropy, inclusivity, (neuro)diversity, equality, synergy and symbiosis.

A call to all: artists, architects, creative thinkers, designers, dreamers, linguists, teachers, (neuro)scientists, (self)healers, soulpreneurs, musicians, visionaries, …

They are Multi-Potential, Multi-Passionate, Multi-Disciplinair, and Multi-Cultural with a respect for the Wisdom of the Sacred Ancients & Mother Nature.

Described in her own words: Birthplace : Earth, Race : Living Being (Human), Politics : Peace (Freedom), Religion : Love.

#PeaceLoveArt*    #coVidere   #coEnergyMatrix     ∑ ≈ µ • c˜♡

] Live – Love – Learn – Laugh – Let Go – Legacy – Light [

Words previously formulated that encapsulate this vision:
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – Sanskrit mantra.
i AM because WE are African philosophy of Ubuntu.
prayer for Peace – Mahatma Gandhi.
imagine – John Lennon.
Transforming the way we see, as perception is everything. Knowledge leads to awareness, awareness leads to responsible design. If you wish to draw pleasure out of life, you must attach value to the world. – Arthur Schopenhauer.
Open your Eyes to the beauty around you, open your Mind to the wonders of Life, open your Heart to those who Love you, and Always be True to Yourself.
– Donna Davis

who am i

Architect Martine is a multidisciplinary creator

i used to make art to escape the reality, now i make art to create a new reality, a new world.

From a Not-fitting-in, to a Fitting-in to this World.

Martine’s bilingual upbringing fuelled her curiosity for different cultures and languages.
Experiences such as being on Erasmus and a workshop in Venice, while studying Architecture, were a logical step to live and work abroad.

She’s enthusiastic, committed, and a team player who values emotional intelligence as crucial instruments in business & in life.

By living our highest potential we can grow and evolve together.

Martine works on self-growth by developing strengths and shifting weaknesses.
Her top 8 strengths are: Strategic, Learner, Achiever, Futuristic, Input, Individualisation, Empathy, and Focus.

i am ~

~ energy ~ creative ~ visionair ~ dreamer ~ π birth ~ old yogi soul ~ masculine phoenix spirit in a feminine body ~ cosmic indigo innerchild ~ purist ~ extroverted introvert ~ finetuner of yin–yang balance ~ self-healer ~ highly sensitive ~ empath ~ mental health advocate ~ ambidextrous with left-side for precision & right-side for strength ~ dyslectic ~ pattern recogniser ~ out of the box thinker ~ boundary tester with a growth mindset ~ uplifter ~ flow surfer ~ chaser of highest, fullest & truest potential in me & for others ~ starseed ~ soul unfolder ~ peaceful warrior ~ truth seeker ~ DNA unraveller ~ magic & meaning chaser with a zest for wonder & gratitude ~ world citizen ~ ∞

i am longing for more true, and genuine connections in this world with kindred spirits,

so let's connect!

Looking forward to work together? Out of ideas and in need of a creative boost? Great! Let’s get in touch.
i am looking forward to mastermind, brainstorm, mind-map, ping-pong, jam, freestyle, celebrate life with you.
My aim is to leave sparkles wherever i go, by spreading love & light.