Perception – The Eyes of Aphrodite, a Gif(T) sent on International Women’s Day, March 8th 2021.
And Aphrodite’s triptych, the Three Virtues: i.e. inner knowing, listening and speaking her Truth.
Glimpses of realities, like layered billboard details, trash on the sidewalks, front doors, prohibition signs, empty construction sites,… seen through the lens of the Golden Ratio & Phi geometry.
Looking at the world like a model. 🌐An attempt to make sense of the ‘new normal’, and as means of searching for harmony and structure, with it’s function of a Rona Blueprint.
Part of coVidere _19/20 Journal 🌏 📲Captured with mobile phone during Lockdown 1.0 (May-July 2020).
Metatron’s Cube, ultimately represents Magic, Alchemy, and containment. It is the Box and the Incubator, in which breeds the First Light.
Metatron’s Cube is the incubator of 3D, the Tesseract of 4D, also known as the Hypercube.
Digital Art. Sketched on iPad. 🎲 12 colour codes, 220 combinations to choose from ⬛ 8 sub-series within this 💯day project.
January – May 2021
Maple seeds, childhood memories. Here shown as documented into a typology.
A wordplay of Samara, dry fruit maple seed, and Saṃsāra, the Sanskrit word, meaning: world. It is also the concept of rebirth and cycles of all life, matter, existence.
3, 6, 9 is referring to Nikola Tesla’s work: If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe. This also connects to Plato and Pythagoras. (2022)
Metatron’s Cube is the incubator of 3D, the Tesseract of 4D, also known as the Hypercube.
A 100-day project using the colour combination of the 💯day project made in 2021. 6 grids of 100 hypercubes.
Digital Art. Sketched on iPad. 🎲 Daily variations of 1 colour combination.
February – May 2022
For this year’s 100-day project I’m continuing further on previous project i.e. colour combinations and colour palettes. Now I want to accentuate the 3 colours selected each day, this by including the grey scale of each colour on top, 3 of the 12 colour codes and these 3 colours in a colour wheel below.
I see it as a colour study playbook, one that I can use in my next work, whether it’s painting, colouring, illustration, video or an interior.
Digital Art. February – May 2024
Originated from Martine’s personal MRI’s and made into digital artwork. Art is used as a healing tool, i.e. revealing cellular memories locked inside the Body, or one of a retention of the collective Mind.
Some surrealistic influences can be noticeable, eg. the use of childlike elements, the simplicity of the shapes and forms, and bright colours.
The name Moksha refers to Martine’s soul searching,
questioning the meaning of life and the universal energy.
In Buddhism, Goddess Saraswati has been highly worshiped as they believe that only She can grant them ‘Moksha’, the final liberation of the Soul.
Moksha – a quest during Saturn Return, 2016.